How does our booking and Dalaman Airport transfer work?

Use "Quick Quote" from the menu to the right to see the prices and additional information about required transfer route including time and travel time.
After seeing our low prices which includes taxes, parking fees etc. thats is the what the total payment will be no unexpected suprise charges. Fill the form on the page where you selected from the menu to the right or you can also fill the form directly on our Booking page and Our Service page has further infomation about the transfer service. Its very important to fill the email and flight number correct so we can send email back to correct address and since we monitor incoming flights we can see if there is any delays and our drivers will wait without any extra charge.
We will get back to you after we recieve the details and send an email back to you so you can re-check and make sure its correct and lets us know that you want to confirm. Then we will send you confirmation email back to you.
Our driver will meet & greet with a name board displaying the passenger name on after you have gone through customs, got your luggage and when you come out from the terminal go straight down the ramp and you will see a sign saying “INDIVIDUAL MEETERS” with many holding signs just look for a sign bearing your name on. Once you have made contact with your driver, you will be directed to the vehicle and then be driven in comfort and safety to your destination which is always private never shared with others or stop on the way (unless asked for short break by you) and you make the payment directly to the driver then and no deposit is required.

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